Life doesn’t have to be perfect to be good

2018 was in many ways a difficult and disappointing year for us. But it was also a kind of beginning. For years, my chronic illness has left me feeling insecure and vulnerable. In 2018, I learned that it is also a strength. Through it, I have gained skills and abilities I would not otherwise have. It has taught me perseverance & shown me how to ask for help. It has drawn me closer to God, taught me to depend on Him and given me a deeper understanding of myself. It has proven that life doesn’t have to be perfect to be good. I have started to embrace my illness as a part of me and to accept all of me, both my weaknesses & my strengths. We are not victims of our circumstances; God is at work in them. I am thankful for God’s undeserved grace & love that sustain me each day. How might God be using your struggles to show you His love for you?